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Membership Details

The Society shall have following categories of members:

  1. Life Members;
  2. Ordinary Members;
  3. International Individual Members;
  4. Institutional Members; and
  5. Student Members

Eligibility for Membership

a) Life Membership:
Life Membership shall be open to researchers, teachers and other persons interested in labour studies in general and labour economics in particular only once they successfully continue their ordinary membership upto two consecutive years. The Executive Committee in its wisdom may decide to directly accord to any senior academic or professional a life membership of the Society without serving as an ordinary member for two years.

b) Ordinary members:
Ordinary Membership on annual basis shall be open to researchers, teachers and other persons who possess at least a post-graduate degree in social sciences and are interested in labour studies in general and labour economics in particular. The Executive Committee in its wisdom may decide to waive the minimum qualifications prescribed for ordinary membership in case of a Senior professional or trade unionist.

c) International Individual Annual Members:
Scholars based outside India, either Indians or other nationals, can join the Society as ordinary members.

d) Institutional Members:
Institutional membership on an annual basis shall be open to Universities, Colleges, Research Institutions and other Academic Institutions, Government Departments, Trade Unions, Employers- Associations and Associations of HR Officers.

e) Student Members:
This shall be open to those students enrolled on annual basis for Post-graduate studies in social sciences with an interest in labour studies in general and labour economics in particular.

Membership forms to be sent to the following address:
Hon. Secretary,
Indian Society of Labour Economics
256, Second Floor
Okhla Industrial Estate, Phase III
New Delhi – 110020
Email :

Memberships Details (Individual/Institutional)

Membership Fee
Type of membership India (Rs.) Developing Countries (US$) Other Countries (US$)
Individual Annual Rs. 1,500 75 125
Student Annual (P.G and Ph.D.) Rs. 1,000 50 75
Individual Life Rs. 15,000 NA NA
Institutional Annual Rs. 10,000 NA NA
Institutional 10 Years Rs. 1,00,000 NA NA

Note: From 2015 on wards, the Indian Journal of Labour Economics is being co-published with the well known international publisher Springer For subscription, please contact to Springer India

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Membership Details

The Society shall have following categories of members:

  1. Life Members;
  2. Ordinary Members;
  3. International Individual Members;
  4. Institutional Members; and
  5. Student Members

Eligibility for Membership

a) Life Membership:
Life Membership shall be open to researchers, teachers and other persons interested in labour studies in general and labour economics in particular only once they successfully continue their ordinary membership upto two consecutive years. The Executive Committee in its wisdom may decide to directly accord to any senior academic or professional a life membership of the Society without serving as an ordinary member for two years.

b) Ordinary members:
Ordinary Membership on annual basis shall be open to researchers, teachers and other persons who possess at least a post-graduate degree in social sciences and are interested in labour studies in general and labour economics in particular. The Executive Committee in its wisdom may decide to waive the minimum qualifications prescribed for ordinary membership in case of a Senior professional or trade unionist.

c) International Individual Annual Members:
Scholars based outside India, either Indians or other nationals, can join the Society as ordinary members.

d) Institutional Members:
Institutional membership on an annual basis shall be open to Universities, Colleges, Research Institutions and other Academic Institutions, Government Departments, Trade Unions, Employers- Associations and Associations of HR Officers.

e) Student Members:
This shall be open to those students enrolled on annual basis for Post-graduate studies in social sciences with an interest in labour studies in general and labour economics in particular.

Membership forms to be sent to the following address:
Hon. Secretary,
Indian Society of Labour Economics
256, Second Floor
Okhla Industrial Estate, Phase III
New Delhi – 110020
Email :

Memberships Details (Individual/Institutional)

Fees: Individual Annual
India (INR) : Rs. 1,000
Developing Countries (US$): 75
Other Countries (US$): 125

Fees: Individual Life
India (INR) : Rs. 10,000
Developing Countries (US$): 75
Other Countries (US$): 125

Fees: Institutional Annual
India (INR) : Rs. 4,000
Developing Countries (US$): NA
Other Countries (US$): NA

Fees: Institutional 10 years
India (INR) : Rs. 50,000
Developing Countries (US$): NA
Other Countries (US$): NA

Note: From 2015 on wards, the Indian Journal of Labour Economics is being co-published with the well known international publisher Springer For subscription, please contact to Springer India .

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